Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey hey everyone... I have something special for you! Here is the cover for When In Maui!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Where to find me :)

Well, hello there everyone! It's been a long time coming, but that's right, I am in the works with a publishing house, and I am getting When In Maui to the shelves! I can hardly believe it! The cover is being worked, the editor should be contacting me soon, and things are falling into place. Are you all ready? Because I am. I am actually looking forward to picking it up and reading the finalized copy myself!

So... to follow m author adventures even more, just go to Colleen Nye on facebook and click "like. That is my author page. If you are wanting even more when it comes to When In Maui? Just go to When In Maui on Facebook
Also, I am part of a local writer's group. You can see our page at Writing at the Ledges and see what we are up to. We, as a group, published out second anthology last December. There are still copies available. Contact me if you would like one!

If you want to contact me in regards to the book? feel free to email me at I hope to get an email organized soon for all other writing ventures.

Write ya soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yes, that's right, I have a contract for publishing my book!!! When In Maui is in full swing with 2 Moon press, and we're on the road! Watch for updates. Be sure to "like" the page and spread the word!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Too long since

Well, I hate to say it, but it's been too long since I posted last. So... a little catch-up....

I submitted my short story, and it was accepted!!! It is in the currently-in-print book "Seasons of Life" by Writing at the Ledges. YAY!

Also, my PC died over the winter. I have a new one, and I am back up and running.

My finished novel has been to an editor, and I should have it back before long. I am very excited about that. Then... TONS of work to be done.

As of right now? I am rereading what I have of book two written so i can pick back up and write some more.

That about covers it. See you all soon :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The short story

So... I finished editing my short story last night. Whew! That was actually very fun. Time consuming, but fun. I'm a little worried about getting my novel back if those 1 pages too that long, but that's ok. It'll be for the betterment of my baby, the book, so it'll be worth it.

Anyways, I finished editing and wrote my bio, sending it back to the president person of the group. We also got to look at the group photos we had done professionally. They're not bad. I have my favorite, and I'm hoping it's the one that gets used, but none of them are actually bad.

I will find out when we're looking at having it out and printed, and I'll let you all know!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


My short story is back to me to make final editing choices! I'm doing them now. Then, to send it back along with a bio. I can hardly wait!